
Gut Health

Gut Health

You Don’t Need to Have Yeast Infection to Have Candida

Candida is a topic that is rarely discussed but is quite often the cause of many less than optimal health issues such as low energy, low mood and joint pain. Probiotics help to combat Candida by “crowding out” bad bacteria with good bacteria. Yeast can actually take over your gut,...

Gut Health

Confused about Prebiotics? This will Help!

  What is a Prebiotic? You are likely seeing and hearing a lot about prebiotics. You may even see it on your probiotic label if you are purchasing a combination product. So what is a prebiotic, and do you need one? The scientific definition of a prebiotic is a “selected...

Gut Health

Leaky Gut 101

Leaky Gut, What Is It and Why Should You Care? What is leaky gut and what causes it? Does it mean you are sick? Why do you need to pay attention to it? With the rise of gluten-free products, probiotics, and other “digestive” products, leaky gut is a topic of...

Gut Health

Gut Health. Yes, It’s Important

Unless you have been living under a rock these days, you have probably been hearing nonstop about gut health, leaky gut, probiotics, prebiotics etc. Not just how important it is for your health, but how it can affect your mood, sleep, and even skin. Why is gut health suddenly such...

Gut Health

NSAIDS, Leaky Gut, and Inflammation

Doctors often doctor recommended ibuprofen for simple pain. And this is not always ideal. . NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are not good for you to take long term. Some people know this. You may know this. But a lot of people don’t, or they don’t know why. There are...

Functional Foods

Herbs and Other Tips to Lower Blood Sugar

Rich in phytochemicals, many herbs and spices serve as anti-inflammatory. Basil—Basil is commonly used as aromatherapy. Why? Basil has compounds in it that actually reduce stress in the body and normalizes levels of cortisol (your stress hormone). Your blood sugar spikes when you are under stress). Using basil is one of...