People often wonder about coffee. Should they remove it from their diet?
The answer is… it really depends. As with everything in food and health, get informed and explore what works best for you.
Here is a quick summary:
Caffeine is a stimulant, and as such has a powerful effect on our body.
Stress — Caffeine stimulates creation of stress hormones (such as cortisol), which produces increased levels of anxiety, muscle tension, indigestion, insomnia—and decreased immunity. This also affects how you respond to normal daily stress. Cortisol tells your body to release blood sugar into your system, so this can also lead to belly fat and weight gain.
Adrenal Fatigue — The adrenal glands are sensitive to caffeine and can become exhausted with excess consumption. When your adrenals burn out you are more susceptible to health disorders related to inflammation and fatigue. Your immune function goes down and you are more susceptible to getting sick.
Imbalanced Blood Sugar —Caffeine can stimulate a blood sugar roller coaster. It can also cause weight gain since a surge of insulin will signal your body to store excess sugar as fat.
To sum it all up:
Caffeine in small quantities is not necessarily bad for you! But it is important to understand how it affects you – as each of us are different. Specifically, women process caffeine differently than men, and it can stay stay in their bodies for hours longer. Monthly hormones also have a huge impact.
Yo may like starting your day with a warm chai, otherwise known as an Indian tea.
Tea has lower amounts of caffeine and chai contains ginger, a warming spice that soothes the adrenals glands, and helps to balance the cortisol effects of caffeine.
Take note of how when you feel. When you start your day with coffee – you maybe more prone to anxiety and less able to deal with stress. Sleep may also suffer. If you are someone who is prone to adrenal fatigue and hormone imbalance – coffee may not serve you well.
Here are some Quick Tips:
Don’t eat caffeine on an empty stomach. Consume with proteins and fats to reduce the cortisol and limit blood sugar effects.
Test alternative caffeinated beverages such as Tulsi (holy basil), Chai, Green Tea, etc to see how your mood, cravings, weight, skin and sleep are affected.
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